Fitzamblers on Table Mountain Image Gallery
Check out the new Image Gallery here to see photographs from the most recent Fitzamblers' July walk in West Wicklow taking in the breathtaking views from Table Mountain.
Continue ReadingCheck out the new Image Gallery here to see photographs from the most recent Fitzamblers' July walk in West Wicklow taking in the breathtaking views from Table Mountain.
Continue ReadingA+ Super “A” WalkThis is a rare opportunity to be guided by experienced Fitzamblers in the most barren, lonely but beautiful part of any mountain range in these islands. The walk is in West Wicklow and it starts with a testing climb up
Continue ReadingThe B Walk for this year's Tom Phelan Walk and Barbecue has been announced. It follows the well trodden Tinahely loop.The Tinahely Loop is a 25km walking trail taking in elements of the Tinahely Railway Walk, The Wicklow Way, and the Muskeagh Hill looped
Continue ReadingThe Fitzamblers 2016 Away Weekend takes us to the Comeragh Mountains which stretch from Dungarvan to Clonmel.
Continue ReadingFitzamblers are going walking in the Basque country in Spain this autumn.
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