Weekly Events in Fitz - Week 24
FITZWILLIAM – THE WEEK AHEADMonday 5 June – Sunday 11 June 2017 MONDAY 05/06 Bank Holiday TUESDAY06/06 Tennis Organised TennisGrade 5 & 6 / Class 5-7 ladies 6pm
Continue ReadingFITZWILLIAM – THE WEEK AHEADMonday 5 June – Sunday 11 June 2017 MONDAY 05/06 Bank Holiday TUESDAY06/06 Tennis Organised TennisGrade 5 & 6 / Class 5-7 ladies 6pm
Continue ReadingResurfacing works will take place later this month on the Indoor Courts as we continue our upgrading schedule. Following on from the extensive lighting upgrades in the last few months.As a result of this essential surface upgrading work, Indoor Courts 3 a
Continue ReadingThe Fitzwilliam Golf Team Challengethe social event of the FLTC golf calendar will be held at Milltown Golf Club Format: &n
Continue ReadingThe official end to the Bridge season concluded last Thursday with prize giving, a glass of vino and friendly chat. Throughout the year we play for two cups - the Mulligan Cup and the Shrage Cup, the Fitzwilliam Vase and the MacHale trophy for the cl
Continue ReadingSligo 25-28 May 2017Our annual provincial odyssey took Fitzamblers to Rosses Point, Co. Sligo, a small seaside village where William Butler Yeats and his brother Jack spent their summers at Elsinore Lodge, nestled between Benbulben to the north and Knockn
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