Weekly Events in Fitz - Week 21
FITZWILLIAM – THE WEEK AHEADMonday 15 May – Sunday 21 May 2017 MONDAY 15/05 Tennis Ladies Summer LeagueFitz 4 v Brookfield 27.30pm Fitness Classes Spin 6.45am – 7.30am 2nd Floor Gym Pilates 9
Continue ReadingFITZWILLIAM – THE WEEK AHEADMonday 15 May – Sunday 21 May 2017 MONDAY 15/05 Tennis Ladies Summer LeagueFitz 4 v Brookfield 27.30pm Fitness Classes Spin 6.45am – 7.30am 2nd Floor Gym Pilates 9
Continue ReadingORGANISED PLAY There will be another three week session of Organised Play from 23 May to 8 June. If you have already played in a session of Organised Play in 2017 then there is no need to contact me. You will automatically receive an email the Thursd
Continue ReadingFitzamblers April WalkMullacor - Drumgoff RecapThe Fitzamblers had a wonderful Sunday walk on the borders of Wicklow and Wexford on April 23rd.On a weekend slightly dimmed by both Munster and Leinster losing their respective European Championship Rugby se
Continue ReadingCroghan KinsellaSunday 25 June 2017Tom Phelan Memorial Walk & BBQOn June 25 our walks are based around Croghan Kinsella, an outlier on the south-east corner of the Wicklow Mountains, once the site of a gold rush. Views (with luck) include pastor
Continue ReadingAquafit classes resume on Friday’s from 12th May to 16th June at 10.30am – 11.15am.. Regardless of your fitness level, you can get a great workout in the water. Instructor Susan Jackson will offer plenty of modifi
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